Bridal Bouquet


Our Bridal Bouquet is designed in our signature organic style with lux floral textures in your wedding color palette. For the bride who wants to make a statement with her bouquet. Stems are wrapped in coordinating hand-dyed silk ribbon.

Commonly Used For: a full size bridal bouquet

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Our Bridal Bouquet is designed in our signature organic style with lux floral textures in your wedding color palette. For the bride who wants to make a statement with her bouquet. Stems are wrapped in coordinating hand-dyed silk ribbon.

Commonly Used For: a full size bridal bouquet

Our Bridal Bouquet is designed in our signature organic style with lux floral textures in your wedding color palette. For the bride who wants to make a statement with her bouquet. Stems are wrapped in coordinating hand-dyed silk ribbon.

Commonly Used For: a full size bridal bouquet



We choose the best blooms at the time of your delivery in your desired color palette.


We offer free curbside pick up. Delivery will be calculated at checkout.

We require 2-3 days notice before your desired delivery date for all wedding orders.